History Of Hewage

History of Hewage

Mr.Jagath  Premakumara Hewage
The sight of his father bringing home large bundles of one hundred rupee notes, counting them, writing the total collection in CR books and subsequently keeping the notes in a safe amused young Jagath Hewage.

This curiosity takes Mr.Jagath to his father Mr.Wimaladasa Hewage's wholesale outlet, Gunaratne Brothers in Kandy soon after finishing school at St. Anthony’s College Katugastota. It was this curiosity that created a drive for young Hewage to start his own supermarket in 2000 in Katugastota with borrowed capital from friends and family.

Mr.Wimaladasa Hewage
His first step to enter the competitive business world was when he was appointed an area sales representative of MILCO and his success enticed him to take on several other ‘sales rep jobs’ including Ceylon Biscuits. Looking back he said that the agencies obtained from Edna, Highland, , Gas and many similar companies forced him to take a store on Katugastota on rent. The mobile boom during the time also helped him to obtain several key agencies which also contributed to increase his bottom line.

Mr.Sanjeewa Hewage
Due to numerous requests made by companies he took the bold decision to open a bigger store with five employees. “However this was not a fruitful venture and later with additional funds from banks I set up Hewage Super market with a staff of 50.”
Mr.Sanjeewa Hewage is one of the Dynamic Pillar of Hewage Group of companies. He take care of the Distribution side in the Organization.
Best Entrepreneur Award of the Year 

With his competitive prices and the concept of buying everything under one roof, Hewage Super Market became a much sought out place in Katugastota.

The next step was to launch Hewage distributors.

Inspired by this success he also opened a large conference and wedding hall which could accommodate over 100 guests and a restaurant. This is the largest such meeting facility where even the common man could afford.”

He also thanks his father,his wife anuradha,his brother Sanjeewa Hewage and his wife Mangala who is a lawyer and other family members for their support to prosper in his business..
Katugathota Hewage Supermarket
 Now He has 6 supermarket chain in Kandy District. those are Katugasthota, Barigama, Lewella, Pujapitiya, Kandy, Wattegama

His dedicated efforts did not go unnoticed as Mr.Jagath was showered with regional and national awards. Today with a fleet of over 40 vehicles and a staff of 1200 he has bigger plans to expand from Kandy.


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